Unknown and untested, the Internet first burst into homes and businesses around the U.S. only about 2 decades ago. Now it is a mainstay - a required fixture in almost every home and office. Social Media is the new kid on the block. Initially a great way for friends, family, and consumers to stay in touch with one another and the brands they loved.

However, now, the trend is showing non-retail companies making their way onto the various Social Media websites. In fact, a few days ago, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it was acceptable for companies that are publicly traded to release press and market related announcements via Social Media. The only caveat was that the company had to inform its investors of what mode they would use. This opens up LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter as avenues for businesses to post company and market related information.

This embrace of Social Media by the SEC is just another indicator that it is an acceptable way for businesses to inform, market, and to conduct sales of their products and services. A few years back, Aeromet Industries jumped feet first into the Social Media arena, something unheard of for a manufacturing company to do. The success of the venture has really paid off for the company.

Aeromet Industries uses YouTube as one of the main channels to spread news about its products. Many of the company's videos on the site have received over 20,000 views since posting. And, the company knows from data that many of their new sales are coming from younger managers at companies that need their products; due to their wide spread presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

To see some of the various postings that Aeromet Industries has posted over on their various Social Media outlets, be sure to find them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube. Their website is a great place to start.



